Liz Lerman’s “The Matter of Origins” at MCA Chicago Nov, 2011

Liz Lerman’s multimedia dance piece “The Matter of Origins” will be performing at the MCA Chicago Nov 10 – 13th, 2011. The show is an evening-length dance piece representing origins stories through science, particle physics, astrophysics, religion and folklore. The first act is comprised of full stage, half circle of projection screens with multimedia content throughout (that’s the part I did…). Liz and I collaborated for years up to the premiere of Origins last fall, working with scientists from CERN, Hubble, the University of Michigan, and more. We got to explore the tunnels of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, or as I like to call it “SwitzerFrance”, and the images collected there are part of what make up the design for Origins.

I’m really proud of the design of the show, and if you have a chance to check it out you should. The dancing is fierce, and the experience is thought provoking. For more info and some teaser videos, check out the MCA WEBSITE.